Financial Meetup
During the course of 2020, we have participated in and organised a number of webinars which have primarily focused on plenary sessions. We have seen and heard that participants are longing for the opportunity to properly connect and engage with others, as they would have done if these sessions had been held in person. With this in mind, Footlight International and Cardano Development will organise a series of virtual meet-ups, to facilitate engagement between investors and investees. We will be kicking off on Tuesday November 24th with a spotlight on Uganda.
A platform to mobilize responsible investments and enable sustainable finance in emerging markets
The primary aim of these sessions will be networking, to allow stakeholders to meet natural opposites (e.g. investment officers meeting firms looking for capital) that they do not yet know.
We are currently exploring new ways to connect investors and investees on the region’s SDG challenges. If you are looking to raise impact investments or development funding, do contact us directly.